Bleakley, Clare. "Women of the New Millennium: Tongan Women Determine their Development Direction." The Contemporary Pacific 14.1 : 134-47. Print.
This looks at the ambiguity in the social interactions of gender roles in the pacific, while looking at Christianity and women in religious or sewing groups and how they deal with feminism and women's issues.
DouaireMarsaudon, F. "Neither Black nor White: The Father's Sister in Tonga." JOURNAL OF THE POLYNESIAN SOCIETY 105.2 : 139-64. Print.
This article looks at the women in Tonga. It's an overview of the history, common practices and current culture of the Fahu.
Gailey, Christine Ward, 1950-." Kinship to Kingship : Gender Hierarchy and State Formation in the Tongan Islands." Austin, Tex.: Austin, Tex. : University of Texas Press, 1987.
This book looks at gender hierarchy in Tonga, which amounts to an interesting study due to the "fahu" having extreme power in family matters. This looks at women and their relationship to the political structure in order to gain more influence.
Bock, Gisela and Susan James. Beyond Equality and Difference: Citizenship, Feminist Politics and Female Subjectivity. United Kingdom: Routledge Ltd, 1992. Print.
This book is about the psychology behind women and how they differ from men, and how this affects feminist ideals.
Heinemann, E. ""Fakafefine": Men Who are Like Women. Incest Taboo and Transsexuality in Tonga (Polynesia)." PSYCHE-ZEITSCHRIFT FUR PSYCHOANALYSE UND IHRE ANWENDUNGEN 52.5 : 472-98. Print.
This book is about men in Tonga who struggle with being feminine and how it their relations with other women and men are.
Huffer, Elise, and Ropate Qalo. "Have we been Thinking Upside-Down?: The Contemporary Emergence of Pacific Theoretical Thought." The Contemporary Pacific 16.1 (2004): 87-116. Print.
This article examines pacific theologians, educators, native and indigenous anthropologists and sociologists in order to look at Tongan thought. This was meant to be as a guide to Pacific ethic and philosophy in order to help researchers understand epistemology there.
Kaeppler, Adrienne L. Eighteenth Century Tonga: New Interpretations of Tongan Society and Material Culture at the Time of Captain Cook. 6 Vol. Print.
This looks at a modern interpretation of the Tongan culture in order to asses changes since Captain Cook’s studies.
---. Rank in Tonga. 10 Vol. Print.
This looks at social rank between commoners, nobles, royalty, men, women, children, the elderly, etc.
Ka'ili, Tevita O. Tauhi va: Nurturing Tongan Sociospatial Ties in Maui and Beyond. The Contemporary Pacific, Volume 17, Number 1, Spring 2005, pp. 83-114.
In this article, the author is a native Tongan and studied Tongan cultures in Tonga and Hawaii as well as Seattle. He discussed the culture between Tongans in other places and their relationships to each other. He describes va, which is a sociospatial tie or relationship that people have one with another, specifically between ancestral and land-ownership relations.
Niko Besnier. "Modernity, Cosmopolitanism, and the Emergence of Middle Classes in Tonga." The Contemporary Pacific 21.2 (2009): 215-62. Print.
This article looks at how Tongan classes (specifically the middle class) use contemporary ideology to update their systems but still rely on traditional society organization.
This article looks at the power women hold in terms of power as defined by men. This article looks at feminism in Tonga and how women are able to use their roles as sources of power.
Sa'iliemanu Lilomaiava-Doktor. "Beyond "Migration": Samoan Population Movement (Malaga) and the Geography of Social Space (Vā)." The Contemporary Pacific 21.1 (2009): 1-32. Print.
This looks at Pacific ideologies on migration in order to better understand movement of Pacific islanders, rather than trying to understand migration patterns through the eyes of our society and it's perspectives of immigration and moving.
This article looks at the ideology and background of Tonga's kinship system and looks at why people are not only distinct by status, but are also indicated in what they are called. Looks at relationship between commoners, nobles and royalty.
White, Geoffrey M and Ty Kawika Tengan. Disappearing Worlds: Anthropology and Cultural Studies in Hawai'i and the Pacific. The Contemporary Pacific 13.2 (2001) 381-416.
This study discusses anthropological research in Tonga and Polynesia and gives validation for research there. The pacific is an isolated area that is breeding grounds for cultural diversity, or rather an entirely different universe. Although due to colonization and tourism, many of these places have been “westernized” or “modernize”, many rural areas still exhibit cultural diversities and traditions that continue regardless of other cultures now beginning to occupy the islands.