Today the reading was on the Ophelia syndrome. She is a character in Hamlet who doesn't know how to think for herself which eventually leads to her suicide.
After reading this, I realize I have a little bit of the Ophelia syndrome. After taking theory classes and having to apply a certain theory to my research, I constantly wish that someone would just tell me what kind of ontology and epistemology to take into account for my research project because I couldn't decide for myself. Deciding for myself was too hard for me and I figured the easy way would be to have someone tell me. This way, I didn't have to know the material very well and I didn't have to study all the theories, just the one that my mentor told me to use.
I realize this kind of attitude inhibits my learning and profits my personal growth nothing. Thinking for ourselves, listening to different points of view, and challenging what we are taught are all parts of being able to actual learn, rather than parrot what we are taught.
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