Wednesday, February 2, 2011

January 28 Literature Review Worksheet

Literature Review Worksheet (Part 1, before class)
Please answer each question according to your understanding of the academic discussion/literature surrounding your research topic. Answers likely will not be definitive and may include some speculation (which you should indicate as such). Be honest about what you do not presently know and where you can improve (you will be evaluated on your thoughtful completion of the assignment, not on whether or not you know all the answers).
1. What are the key concepts you’ve dissected within your own question? List related search terms.
Key concepts include gender and power and related terms include feminism, fahu, and kinship.

2. What additional key terms and concepts have you discovered in the literature?
Mehekitanga- sister
Socialized vs natural gender.
faka 'apa 'apa- respect
fatongia- kind of like an honor or privilege

3. What discipline or disciplines are your sources based within?
Sociological and anthropological disciplins.

4. What are some of the concepts that your sources generally agree on (underlying assumptions)?
Gender is partly socialized in each culture, but also there are natural laws concerning gender that transcend time and peoples.

5. Are there particular scholars or sources that seem to be referenced frequently in what you’ve read so far?
A lot of sources from the Journal of the Polynesian Society

6. What need is there for further research in the academic discussion? In other words, where are the gaps?
The gap that I’m seeing that I want to research is the difference between perceptions of power between women in our culture and the women in Tonga.

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